Thursday, March 29, 2012

Week 5: Final Week of the CrossFit Games Open 12.5

This was it. This was the final workout about to be announced for the CrossFit Games Open 2012. When I saw the workout at 5am in the morning, I had a sigh of relief (while many worldwide were unhappy). Why? It's exactly like last year's 11.6 workout.

Although I didn't participate last year in the Open, because I did not know anything about CrossFit back then. When I decided to compete in Crossfit five months ago, my coach and I revisited last year's open workouts to see where I would've stacked up and what I need to work on. 

The Workout 12.5:

It's a reverse FRAN! AMRAP 7
Weight: Men = 45kgs, Women = 30kgs
 Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme of:
30kgs thrusters, 3 reps
chest to bar pull-up, 3 reps
30kgs thurster, 6 reps
6 reps of chest to bar pull-up
30kgs thrusters, 9 reps
9 reps of chest to bar pull-up
 ...etc until the 7 minute is up!

My Experience and Workout score:

Just three months ago I did the exact same workout. I recall how hard it has been, but because I had done the workout before, for once I had a realistic expectation what I can achieve. Back then, 30kgs way beyond heavy, I did not know what a chest-to-bar pull up was!

So when I did the workout in the end of November 2011, my total reps was: 23 (meaning I finished my 6 and was 3 reps into my 9).

So how did I score in just a 3 months period? DOUBLE THE REPS! 

My score: 45 repetitions (meaning I entered my 12 rep range by 9 reps, which came as a shock actually!)

So I decided to do the workout again, because I had a feeling I can get at least 5 extra repetitions. However, I got the exact repetitions in both attempts. It really only confirmed how well I am actually doing, despite not having recovered 100% when I re-tried it!

My Regional and International score: 

Score WOD #5: 51st!!!!!!!!! I rocked it, and was within the top 60 women in this workout!
International score of #5: among the 8000 women competing WORLDWIDE! 

Overall regional score: 77th! During the first 4 weeks, I was scoring an average of 80-90 points which left me with 92 points, but after the final workout, I did so well, I ranked 77th in the whole of ASIA out of 170 women who registered to compete!

Final Words: 

The past 5 weeks have been an incredible journey. I have learned a lot about myself, my capability both physically and mentally. There were very low moments for me in this competition. especially because I didn't meet my initial goal of making it top 60. However, I learned many good lessons taking part in my first ever competition, and an international one.  The most important thing is...your attitude toward everything makes all the difference. Literally! Also, never forget to have fun! Ever!

To a point, I have accepted the fact I won't go to korea to compete in regionals this year....I made peace with how things turned out, but all the sudden, I realized that in my final workout I have contributed to a team score, which I have been taking part of! It meant one thing...I CAN GO TO REGIONALS, in a TEAM!

So, I am currently doing everything in my physical ability to help me and my team, CrossFit LifeSpark Dubai to make it to Korea Regionals (May 4-6). We currently rank 3rd in the Asia region! So I am seeking sponsors and all the local support I can get! Find out more HERE.  

Please spread the word!

Yours Truly, 

1 comment:

strawb3rries said...

Way to go!!! You are a superstar :)