Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 2: Crossfit Games Open WOD 12.2

I recall Wednesday night very well. I couldn't sleep one bit. I woke up every hour to check my phone - to check what is the Workout Of the Day (WOD) for the CrossFit Games Open Competition.

At 5 am on Thursday - we found out.

The Workout 12.2:

It was a 10 minutes AMRAP of...Snatch Ladder

Ladder 1: 30 Snatch (M 34kgs) / F 20kgs)
Ladder 2: 30 Snatch (M 61kgs/ F 34kgs)
Ladder 3: 30 Snatch (M 75kgs/ F 45.5kgs)
Ladder 4: Max Rep Snatch (M 95.5kgs / F 54.5kgs)

My Experience and Workout Score:
My initial reaction was worry. I knew there will be a heavy WOD. At first I knew for a fact I can finish the first ladder within a few minutes (3-5), and would have had another five for the rest.

Problem is...I did not have a 34kgs Snatch. If anything, I was 2 kgs off. Few weeks I did a 32kgs snatch and believed that would be good enough for the Open, but I was proven wrong...but I didn't let that stop me.

Although 2kgs may sound very insignificant, those knowledgable about the Olympic lifts will tell you even 0.5kgs makes a huge difference on whether you can get the lift or not. To add to that, my experience in the Olympic lifts is merely 4-5 months only. Which in other words, is an infant. 

Unlike any other sport, CrossFit doesn't include bodyweight categories, and the first weight introduced in the ladder is almost half my bodyweight as I currently weigh 49.5kgs. So it's damn impressive that I did pretty well in the first ladder to start with.
Snatch set up

Mid-movement (split snatch variation):
failed attempt because I couldn't lock out

I decided to attempt the WOD three times, hoping I will get the 34kgs each time and the results were: 
Score 1: 30 reps
Score 2: 30 reps
Score 3: 30 reps

The Goal, Regional and International Score:

Goal: Have the right mindset and attack each WOD with my best ability, and make it to top 60 in the region.

Regional Score WOD #2: 89th

Total Regional Score: 93rd. 

International Score WOD #2: Among the 15,000 of the 20,000 women competing

Total International Score: Among the 14,000 of the 20,000 women competing.

*PS scores will be finalized on Wednesday 5 am. To keep up with my scores, click HERE.

Final Words: 

It is good when a workout like this come up is to reflect on my journey. Why? The first two times I did the WOD, I didn't handle it very well. My mindset wasn't where it needed to be. I was disppointed and was angry with myself because I couldn't get the lift. I have trained very hard, and to be 2kgs off is quite disappointing.
In all of my three attempts, I was so close to getting them, I had the bar sitting on my head in one of them even...but I couldn't lock out. The weight was too heavy. 

However, in my last attempt I changed my mindset, I went there believeing I could do it. And again, I was VERY close to getting 3 reps, but that's not the point anymore.

Yesterday I walked out of my 3rd attempt with my head held high, because I know, in my heart, I did everything I physically and mentally could for this workout with the given time-frame and my physical cability. I am proud of my efforts and the fact I did this three times as I was truly determined to get that 1 rep.
In fact, four months ago, I couldn't snatch 20kgs AT ALL. This weekend I snatched 20kgs for 30 reps in less than 4 minutes. This on its own is an achivement.

Plus, I am still in the race...and there are three more WODS which will determine my final score and whether I will be in the top 60.

Yours Truly,


Anonymous said...

Keep it up! Glad to hear you are improving and keeping positive!

"Decide every day to be better than yesterday!
Seek progression, NOT perfection!"

I am doing the Open too, I have a tough time not comparing myself to others. Very competitive. Just make sure you are progressing!

Amna Al Haddad said...

Thanks for the comment! trust me, I do the same and find it very hard to stop comparing myself but remind myself this is my journey, no body knows what I have been going through to reach where I am today!

Anonymous said...

Yes it's your competition with yourself ...