Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 3: CrossFit Games Open WOD 12.3

Three weeks down into the competition, and it ain't getting easier. It's getting heavier and more technical as expected.

As I awaited the workout on Thursday morning... I had a sense of relief when I found out what it is because I know I physically could do it and high expectation about what I want to achieve...So what was the WOD?

The Workout 12.3 

A 18 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of:
15 box jumps (M=24inches, F=20inches)
12 push press (M=52kgs, F=34kgs)
9 toes to bar 

My Experience and Workout score:

I knew this is the kind of workout that I needed to give it my all and my best at one go. In my mind, I had one shot and one shot ONLY. Why? It's a long workout to begin with, and doing heavy push presses within a 4-day period again would be nuts (I am still not fully recovered 100% from the workout! haha)

Also, only recently I established that my maximum push press is 40kgs, and 34kgs is not very far off. So as I got ready to do the WOD and hearing 3, 2, 1...GO! I took on the box jumps, and as I moved into the push presses... I pushed the weight with all my might the first round...but I knew as I started the push presses that they will slow me down, but I was surprised by how much. 

I think in this workout, the tough part was not mental, but it was purely physical - and not in the sense I was gassed out or kept stopping, but I was limited strength-wise in terms of I started failing in some of the reps and the fact I did a few press-outs fatigued my muscles further. 

So, what was my score? 3 rounds + 15 box jumps = 123 total repetitions. 

Regional and International Score:
Regional Score (WOD 3): 83rd out of 170 women

Total regional score (WOD 1+2+3): still standing 93rd in the region. 

International score (WOD 3): Among the top 13,000 out of at least 20 thousand women.

Total International score (WOD 1+2+3): Also among the top 13,000.

Final Words: 

I don't doubt for a second that on Thursday, I gave the workout my all.

But the tough part about taking part of a competition, I learned, is that no matter how good you are, compared to yourself, there is always someone who is better than you, and your best may be not "enough" on a scoreboard. However, in the end of the day what matters is how far YOU have come. How far YOU have achieved. How far YOU pushed to get to where you are today. 

Really, putting 34kgs 36 times over my head is PRETTY damn impressive and I am very content with how I did for ME. 

Four months ago, my coach and I were worried whether I will be able to do the workouts RxD (as perscribed) meaning without scaling things down to make it eaiser. And so far, I've done each workout RxD and it got me to be part of the top 95 people competing in ASIA.

Yes, the likelihood of me making it top 60 in the region this year may not be possibility due to nature of the workouts, number of people taking part, my strength levels...and I only had four months training! But imagine where I will be after one year of crossfit training under my belt? Yup. A small beast.

& here is a short video I want to leave you all with to show my progress. Four months ago I couldn't put 10kgs overhead, now I can and squat 40kgs! 


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