This is a documentation of my training to compete in Crossfit 2012: Amna's "Road to the Games"
What is Crossfit: a strength and conditioning program that combines gymnastics, powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, sprinting, kettlebell training, plyometrics, rowing, and medicine ball training.
The ten "fitness" components Crossfit focuses on are: stamina, respiratory endurance, strength, power, speed, agility, flexibility, balance, accuracy, and coordination.
My training consist of:
- Mobility: Exercises given by my physiotherapist to work on my problem areas.
- Buy In: Exercises to warm-up the muscles used in the Skill/Strength/WOD
- Skill/Strength: Compound and functional movements such as; olympics lifts, powerlifting, and gymnastics.
- WOD (Workout Of the Day): A short but intense workout that includes weightlifting, gymnastics and metabolic conditioning. It's constantly varied, but each WOD works toward achieving different results that are included above.
- $Cash Out & Recovery: Stretche and light exercises.
Week 17: Feb 4 - 10
Strength: Squats 2x5 @ 50kgs (work on depth)
WOD: 20-15-10-5-20 of Kettlebell Swing @ 12kgs & 10 double-unders between each set of swings. Result: 5:12
Strength: Clean (finding a new 1RM). PB : 42.5kgs
REST ACTIVE DAY - work on snatches, clean and jerks w/bar + double-unders.
Strength: Behind the neck press - 3x5 @ 21kgs.
WOD: 12 double-unders, 5 front squat @ 25kgs, 10 push ups. Result: 6:37
Strength: 5 x 5 @ 50 kgs. ( 4th set dropped the weight to 47.5, 5th set DNF)
Met con: 5x100m row sprints w/2 minute rest. Times (secs): 21.5 - 21.9 - 22.3 - 22.2 - 22.5
WOD: 8RFT - 5 kettlebell swings @ 16kgs and 8 box jumps @ 28inch. Result: 8:54 (R1 - 44sec, R2 - 1:03, R3 - 1:14, R4 - 1:22, R5 - 56, R6 - 1:16, R7 - 1:14, R8 - 1:01)
REST DAY - Physio
Friday (two training sessions):
WOD: 12 pull ups (banded), 12 sit ups, 12 thrusters @ 19kgs (must finish within 2 minutes). Result: 2R + 8 thrusters.
Olympic Lifting:
Snatch - up to 4x30kgs
Clean - up to 4x40kgs
Front Squat - 8x2 @ 40kgs (on the minute every minute)
Week 16: Jan 29 -Feb 3
Saturday:REST DAY
Sunday:Strength: Overhead Squat 35x1 (New PB)
TABATA: Wall balls @ 4kgs/9ft. Result: 10-7-5-6-6-6-6-5
WOD: 21-15-9 Box jumps @ 20inches and pull ups ( thin red band). Result: 6:24
Strength: Back Squat 5x5 with 50kgs.
WOD: 5RFT 15 deadlifts @ 44.5kgs and 30 situps. Result: 8:33
Strength: Behind the Neck Press @ 22.5kgs 3x5. Result: 4-3-3. High volume set @ 15kgs. Result: 7 reps.
WOD: AMRAP15: 26m lunges, 10 hang power snatch @ 15kgs, 10 push ups. Result: 5R + 5 Push ups.
Bodyweight: 4x6 Squats with 41x0 tempo
WOD: 3R complex (quality) - 16 back squats, 8 push press (BTN), 8 front squat with 25kgs.
Note: R2 - PP was 6 reps. R3 - PP was 4 reps.
Friday: Olympic lifting. Also go 100kgs clean pull!
Week 15: Jan 21 - 28
Skill: Rope Climbs and pull-ups
WOD: 10RFT of 50m medball carry OH @ 4kgs, 10 thruster medball slams, and 5 push ups. Result: 15:26
Strength: Front Squat @ 35kgs & back Squat @ 45 kgs combo (back to back) 4x5
Tabata ring rows: 11-11-9-5-5-8-6-6
WOD: AMRAP 8 of 10 rope pulls, 10 Double Unders, 5 WB @ 6kgs. Result: 2R + 10 DU's.
Skill: Sprints 20mx10
WOD: Ladder up and down of 10 push ups, 15 thrusters & 15 ground to overhead (@14.5kgs), 200 skips. Result: 17:27
Strength: 2x5 of 70% of my 1RM in Squat(45kgs), Press (20kgs), Deadlift (65kgs).
U Energy Games
Week 14: Jan 14 -20
Strength: Split Jerk technique. Result: 40kgsx2
WOD: 10-10, 9-9....1-1 of Double Unders and Toes to Bar (Scaled because of my inconsistent double-unders). Result: 10:24
"CrossFit Total" 1RM in back squat, shoulder press, and deadlift. Result: 60 + 27.5 + 92.5kgs = 180kgs = 3.6x BW. Watch video HERE.
Strength: Hang Squat Clean (technique). I actually got a new PB! Result: 41kgsx2
WOD: 10RFT (15min cap) 10 OH lunges @ 2.5kgs, 15 squats, 20 moutain climbers. Result: 14:52
Skill: Rope Climbs - GOT IT!
Skill: Handstands. 20secx3 handstand holds, kick to handstand, & wall climbs + 8 attempts of kipping handstand push ups (didn't get any...but getting closer!)
Olympic Lifting - Working on cleans from the blocks and from the floor: Weight used...20-37kgs. Heavy clean Rack pulls. Up to 80kgs 3x4. See video HERE.
Week 13: 7 - 13
Skill: Handstand and Handstand walks.
WOD: 15 min AMRAP - 5 thrusters, 7 hang power cleans, 10 sumo deadlift high pull @ 15kgs. Result: 7 Rounds + 4 SDHP
$ out: 2 minute max double-unders. Result: 15 DU's (BIG DEAL!)
Skill: Box jumps (technique) 5x mas @ 12inches. Result: 15-14-15-17-7
Strength: Shoulder Press 3 x 5 @ 24kgs (EASY, i.e. big improvement!)
WOD: 4RFT 10 pull ups (tiny red band), 10 farmer walk lunges with 10kgs/each arm, 10KB swing @ 12kgs. Result: 5:55 (R1 - 1:05, R2 - 1:33, R3 - 1:34, R4 -1:42). I made this workout MY B!tch, ehm!
Skill: Dips 4 x 8 (eccentric)
Skill: Ring Rows 5 x 10 ( Slow negatives)
WOD: 3RFT 15 sit ups, 20 ball slams @ 6kgs. Result: 3:13
Olympic Weight Lifting, worked on the clean&jerk & Snatch.
Note: Snatch technique is much better. Actually had one snatch that was a PERFECT snatch!
Strength: Thrusters x 3. Result: 35kgs NEW PB!
WOD: 3RFT - 10 DU's, 25 Wall balls @ 4kgs, 20 Burpees. Result: 12:21
Week 12: Jan 1 - 6
Rest Day
Rest Active Day.
Got my first double-unders! 9DU's in 1:30mins.
Oly Lifting Technique work with 12kgs.
Strength: Deadlift 3RM. Result: 90kgs.
Tabata Mash up: 20 secs on 10 sec hold of ring dips and ring rows (alternating). Result:
Ring Dips: 7|5|4|4|4|3
Ring Rows: 9|8|7|7|7|6
WOD: 8min AMRAP of 20 box jumps @ 16inches and 3 Double-Unders. Result: 4R + 1 DU
Strength: Squat Clean (work on technique) @ 35kgs.
WOD: "Death by Squat Clean" Result: 7R + 2 reps @ 25kgs.
PURE DNF (did not finish) day. Well, there is a first time for everything...!
Skill: Pull ups (Strict/Kipping/Negatives) 3x10
WOD: For time, 20-15-10-5 of Knees to elbows & 100m carry with 9kgs after each K2E efforts. Result: 8:36
Olympic Weight lifting - session focused on technique with 10-20kgs in both the Snatch and Clean & Jerk.
Week 11: Dec 24 - 31
Rest Day
Rest Day
Skill: Pull Ups 3x max (with active hang). Result: 4-6-4
Strength: Deadlift 3x3 (didn't happen), but got 90x1. 2x max @ 80kgs. Result: 5-5.
WOD: 21-15-9 of box jumps @ 20inch and Knees to Elbows. Result: 6:39
Strength: Bench Press 2x5. Result: 35kgs and 37.5kgs (Check Video HERE!)
WOD "DT": 5RFT 12 Deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 jerks with 22.5kgs. Result: 12:15
Skills: Double Unders & Hang Power Clean practise
Strength: Front Squat @ 30kgs and Back Squat combo @ 40kgs (back-to-back) 4x4 with a tempo of 32x1 (SORE SORE legs the day after).
WOD: 12 Minutes AMRAP of 20 wall balls 4kgs/9ft, 15 sit-ups, 10 burpes, 2 forward rolls. Result: 4R
Strength: Shoulder Press @ 23.5kgs (aim 5x5). Result: 5-5-4.
WOD: 12 Minutes AMRAP of 12 Turkish Get Up @ 4kgs, 24 Ball smalls @ 4kgs, 12 sit ups. Result: 3R + 2 TUG
Active rest day.
Practised doubled unders and GOT THEM FOR THE FIRST TIME! 9 DU's in a 1.5minutes!
Practised Snatch and Clean&Jerk technique.
Saturday (last day of 2011 and THE BEST training session EVER!):
Competition-like day training session:
3 attemps of Snatch (30kgs) and 3 attemps of clean and jerk (40kgs). PB'd BIG TIME!
Watch here!
Snatch Grip Pulls: 3x4 (40kgs-45kgs-50kgs) w/straps.
Drop Snatchs: 4x4 @ 20kgs
Week 10: Dec 17 - 23
Strength: Push Press 3x5. I did 35kgs (new PB but couldn't do it for 5 times due to overtraining the week before.) Dropped it to 30kgs.
WOD: For Time 20-15-10-5 Front squat w/24.5kgs & Knee to Elbows. Result: 8:32
Strength: Front squat @ 27.5kgs and Back Squat @ 37.5 combo 4x5 with (31x0 count, i.e. count to three lowering down, hold, and up fast, working on tempo)
WOD: For time (box jumps @ 16inch/skips) of 18/54 - 15/45 - 12/36 - 9/27 -6/18. Result: 4:40
$Out: 25 lunges with 5kgs Overhead (was broken) - 25 WB @ 4kgs -> 9ft target (5x5)- 25 KB swing @ 12 kgs (unbroken)
Monday: Physiotherapy and REST DAY
Tuesday:Strength: Squat Clean 4x2 (nailed the 40kgs! See video HERE) - New PB!
WOD: 6RFT of 8 hang power snatch @ 15kgs and 12 burpees. Result: 9:56
Strength: Deadlift 3x3 (87.5kgs, 90kgs, 90kgs) - BIG PB for me! Read about my deadlift journey and watch a video HERE)
WOD: 15 minutes AMRAP 10 pull ups (first set was kipping, rest banded), 15 lunges, and 20 kb swings @ 15kgs. Result: 4R + 4 pull ups.
$out: 50 ball twists.
Gymnastics: Worked on rolls: forward an backward.
Kick to handstand, handstand holds into active hang and wall climbs.
Olympic Weightlifting: Worked on Snatch - session result: 30kgs snatch easy, but failed 32.5kgs (not bending the legs); 25kgs Overhead Squat (new PB!); and worked upto 70kgs snatch grip rack pulls (first time doing those! See video HERE).
Week 9: Dec 10 -16
Skill: GHD Sit-ups (full extension) 5 x 10.
WOD: 20min AMRAP of 200m run and 21 Deadlifts @ 35kgs. Result: 6R + 3 DL.
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*New TEE: Deadlifts - What seperated the girls from the women |
Strength: OMEM of 8 minutues 3 x 22.5 (front shoulder press) & 3 x 20 kgs (Behind the neck should press). Alternating sets.
Skill: OMEM of 8 minutes of Dead Hang pull ups x 3. Note: Easy, except last set.
WOD: 6RFT of 3 front squats @ 35kgs & 3 forward rolls. Result: 6:13
Olympic Weight Lifting: Snatch practise, power snatch, and overhead squat.
New PB's. Here is a two video snippets of the training session: Power Snatch & Overhead Squat and new Power Snatch PB
Notes: Snatch technique is coming together and solid on the lighter lifts.
Strength: Back Squat (working on depth) 45kgs x 5.
WOD: 5RFT of 12 squat clean @ 20kgs and 200m sprint (only first and fifth round recorded). Results: R1 - 1:50m & R5 - 1:20 (but with 100m sprint)
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*Deep Squat. That's a medball btw! |
Strength: Thrusters 3x3 @ 29.5kgs
Skill: Dips 3x3 with thin red band.
WOD: 15-12-9-6-3 of Thursters @ 22.5kgs & GHD sit ups (1/2 ROM). Result: R1 (3:35), R2 (3:09), R3 (2:24), R4 (1:29), R5 (0:44)
Notes: Performace wasn't best as I trained 8 days straight (kinda just happened!). Also during thursters technique improved when I engaged my core (something to think about!)
Thursday: Physiotherapy and RECOVERY day.
Olympic WeightLifting Clinic Level 2 (12-3pm). We did some lifting, worked on the Snatch, Clean & Jerk, learned how to improve technique, ways to strengthen bottom of the squat position, and learnt possible training program theories for different athletes, and formulas for training.
Personal note: Got a new PB of 34kgs clean and jerk. Video to be posted soon.....
*ps: image credit goes to CrossFit LifeSpark Dubai.
Week 8: Dec 3 - 9
Saturday: Skill: 1RM weighted pull-ups @ 10kgs (big PB for me!) Check video HERE.
Strength: Speed back squats 8x2 @ 37.5kgs.
WOD: UAE National Day "40 years younger" - 4RFT of 40m sprint, 40 KB swing @ 10kgs, 40 box jumps. Result: 21:42
Strength: Deadlift 5x5 @ 70kgs (grip work)
Strength: Deadlift 5x5 @ 70kgs (grip work)
Strength: Shoulder Press 5x5 @ 22.5kgs & Behind the Neck Press x 2
WOD: 10min AMRAP - 200m row, 10 Med Ball Cleans @ 6kgs, 5 pullups. Result: 4 rounds.
Gymnastics - worked on forward rolls, backward rolls, headstands (tripod tuck), and handstands.
Gymnastics - worked on forward rolls, backward rolls, headstands (tripod tuck), and handstands.
WOD: 21-15-9 forward roll, handstands, and tuck jumps. Result: 10:58
Skill: 3x max wall balls. Result: 19-15-9
Strength: Thursters 3x3 @ 32.5kgs (New PB!)
Strength: Thursters 3x3 @ 32.5kgs (New PB!)
WOD: 5RFT of 5 Ovehead squats @ 15kgs, 10kgs swings @ 16kgs, 10 back extensions. Result: DNF (finished one round, but had to stop due to lower back pain.)
Skill: Back Lever progression #1 (gymnastics skill)
WOD: 4RFT 400m run, 15 push ups, 20 wall ball slams @ 4kgs. Result: 3R + 150m run (did not finish wod due to pariticpating in a challenge the next day)
Took part in the UAE Fitness Challenge. Will update blog in a few days about my experience and final results. But here is a sneek peak....
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Lee, Luke, Ben, I, My coach Candice, and Chris. CrossfitLifeSpark Dubai Team! |
Week 7: Nov 26 - Dec 1
Strength: Bench Press 3x3 @ 37.5kgs (New PR!) - Given I haven't benched in almost a year.
B-Day WOD: "Ben" For time, 26-21-11 of Power Cleans @ 20kgs & Pull ups & 50m forward and 50m backward run. Result: 12:32
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Me benching |
Strength: Deadlift 4x5 @ 67.5kgs
Strength: Shoulder Press 5x5 @ 22.5kgs (really started nailing those!)
WOD: 3RFT - 20 box jumps @ 20inch, 15 wall balls @ 4kgs/9ft, 10 burpees. Result: 11:31
Monday (Active Rest Day):
Skills: Clean and Snatch practise and their different progression (i.e. hang power clean/snatch, split jerk, front squat, overhead squat) @ 12kgs only.
Skill: 3x Max Wall Balls unbroken @ 4kgs. Result: 13-17-11
Skill: Glute-Ham development sit ups (known as GHD sit ups)
WOD: 8RFT - 2 power Snatchs @ 17 kgs & 100 skips. Result: 8:18
Strength: Front Squat 3x3 @ 42.5kgs
Skill: Weighted Pull-ups 3x3 @ 6.25 kgs (NEW PR!)
WOD: 15-12-9 of Deadlift @ 60kgs & kick to handstand. Result: 10:55
Olympic Weightlifting:
Power Clean + Squat Clean: 4x4 @ 20kgs, 3x3 @ 25kgs, 2x2 @ 30kg, 2x2 @ 35kgs (with low box)
Power Clean + Squat Clean: 4x4 @ 20kgs, 3x3 @ 25kgs, 2x2 @ 30kg, 2x2 @ 35kgs (with low box)
Power Clea/Squat Cleann & Hang Power Clean/Squat Clean (supersets): 3x2 @ 20 kgs, 2x2 @ 25kgs, 2x2 @ 30kgs (low & high box)
Behind the neck press: 5x5 @ 10kgs.
Friday: REST DAY.
Week 6: Nov 19 - 25
Strength: Back Squat x 3 @ 50 kgs (technique work)
WOD: 21-15-9 Burpees and front squat @ 15kgs. Result: 7:48
Phyiso in the morning.
Strength: 1RM front squat @ 47.5kgs (new PB!)
Skill: 5x5 Dead-Hang Pull ups. Result: 5-5-4-4-4- ( better results from before)
WOD: 20min AMRAP - 5 power cleans @ 27.5kgs, 10 toes to bar, 15 wall balls @ 4kgs. Result: 4R + 4 power cleans.
Gymnastics: we worked on forward rolls (and their variations!), backward rolls, Parallel bar sits.
Big WOD: Dirty Thirty (scaled) - 30 Box jump, 30 Jumping pull-ups, 30 Kettlebell swings, 30 Walking Lunge, 30 Knees to elbows, 30 Push press, 30 Back extensions, 30 Wall ball, 30 Burpees
Strength: Cluster training. OMEM Deadlift 10x3 @ 55kgs.
WOD (open workout 5): 7min AMRAP - 3-6-9-12.....etc.
Push press @ 30kgs (started with 30, but had to scale down to 27.5kgs) & chest to bar pull ups. Result total: 23reps (considered really good in our region!!!!)
Physio & rest day.
Olympic Weightlifting:
Power Snatch technique work (10-20kgs)
Drop Squats (behind the neck push press) @ 20kgs
Back Squat 5x5 (20kgs, 30kgs, 40kgs, 45kgs, 50kgs).
Week 5: Nov 12 - 18
Strength: 1RM shoulder press. Not a new PB, but still the same result: 27.5kgs
WOD "Candice", 18min AMRAP: 11 power snatch (10kg) & 11 Overhead Squat & 11 lateral burpees. Result: 5R
Revisiting General Crossfit Skills
WOD (2011 Open WOD #2): 9 Deadlift @ 45kgs & 12 Push ups & 15 Box Jumps @ 20inchs. Result: 5R + 3 DL
Olympic Weightlifting: technique work on the Snatch and Clean & Back Squat.
Skill: Handstand push ups.
WOD: Max reps in 5min jump rope, 4min front squat (17.5kgs), 3min push ups, 2min bar hop, 1min KB swings (15kg). 30 sec rest between each set. Result: 260 - 14 - 42 - 38 - 24
General Crossfit Strength assessmet: 3x5 wall ball @ 6kgs [height and distance issue]. 15 Push Press unbroken @ 15 kgs [easy]. 25kgs Push Press [only got 6 reps unbroken]. 15 Thursters @ 15kgs [challenge].
WOD (2011 Open WOD #3- but had to scale OH squats). 10 min AMRAP: 60 Burpee bar jump (the only thing you actually needed to finish in the time cap to qualify) & 30 overhead squat (with 20kgs scaled from the original 40kgs), & 10 Muscle-Ups. Result: I did 60 Burpees within 7 minutes, and took me about 3 minutes to finish 5 overhead squats. So my total was 65.
Olympic Weight Lifting: Big day for me! I got PB's twice. The Snatch: 25kgs, video HERE and the Power Clean: 40kgs, video HERE.
Back squat with 30x5, 35x5, 40x2 45x2, 50x2
I went to an Olympic Weightlifting Clinic and blogged about it HERE.
Week 4: Nov 5- 11
Strength: Push Press 5RM. New PB! Result: 32.5
WOD: "Helen" Scaled: 3RFT of 400M run + 21 Pushups + 12 pullups (banded). Result: 12:59.
Skill: Handstands. Result: did 1 FREE handstand ;)!
WOD: Death by Clean and Jerk. i.e. Minute 1: 1 Rep. Minute 2: 2 reps...etc, until failure. Result: 7R + 2 reps @ 17.5kgs
Skill: TABATA active hang (pull up position 20sec on 10 sec rest for 4 minutes).
Skill: 5x5 Ring dips (banded)
WOD: 4RFT: 30 skips + Overhead lunges @5kgs + 10 ring rows. Result: 8:42
Strength: 4 Deadlifts OMEM @ 60 kgs for 8 minutes. Result: 7 sets + 1 rep.
Skill: Maximum in 10 minutes of Turkish Get-up @ 4kgs.
WOD: 3RFT of 10 wallballs @ 4kgs 9ft target + 10 sit ups with 4kgs + 200m row. Result: 9:13
Wednesday-Friday: Active Rest & Mobility.
Week 3: Oct 29 - Nov 4
This week has been quite tough, with a few ups and quite a few downs.
Strength: 1RM squat (new Personal Best of 65kgs!) Video available in my youtube channel
Team WOD: 400m row - 110 skips - 35kb swings - 110 skips - 35 crunchs - 110 skips (once the first person finishes the first exercise, the second one then starts). Result: 10:16minutes.
Strength: Cluster training, shoulder press @ 22.5kgsx3 OMEM for 8 minutes.
Skill: Ring dips with red band (one of the thinest bands, so I am improving!)
WOD: AMRAP in 6 minutes of 10 med ball cleans @ 6kgs, and 5 pull ups. Result: 4R + 1 pull up. (needs improvement)
Monday (light day):
Skills: Handstands - double-unders - and 5x5 pull ups with 2 minutes rest.
Pull-up results: 5-5-4-4-5 reps.
Tabata: Squat (20sec hold, 10 sec rest).
Tuesday: Strength: 1RM Split Jerk. Result: Got 35kgs overhead! Woot Woot.
WOD: 15 minutes AMRAP: Ascending ladder of:
2 burpee into pull up, 2kb swings (12kgs)
4 burpee into pull up, 4kb swings...etc. Result: 16R and 2 burpee into pull ups.
Strength: 3x3 Deadlift (aim was 87.5kgs). Result: couldn't finish the lift @ 85kgs (although I have a record of 85x3). We lowered the weight to 82.5kgs and got 2 reps.
High Volume at @ 75kgs: Was a heavy gravity day, again got 2-2 only. Taxed out my muscles.
Skill: kipping practise (nailed it! w/thinest band)
WOD: 9RFT (but with 12 minutes cap): 5 power cleans @ 25kgs, 5 front squats @ 25kgs, 7 push ups. Result: 6R + 5 power cleans
Week 6: Nov 19 - 25
Strength: Back Squat x 3 @ 50 kgs (technique work)
WOD: 21-15-9 Burpees and front squat @ 15kgs. Result: 7:48
Phyiso in the morning.
Strength: 1RM front squat @ 47.5kgs (new PB!)
Skill: 5x5 Dead-Hang Pull ups. Result: 5-5-4-4-4- ( better results from before)
WOD: 20min AMRAP - 5 power cleans @ 27.5kgs, 10 toes to bar, 15 wall balls @ 4kgs. Result: 4R + 4 power cleans.
Gymnastics: we worked on forward rolls (and their variations!), backward rolls, Parallel bar sits.
Big WOD: Dirty Thirty (scaled) - 30 Box jump, 30 Jumping pull-ups, 30 Kettlebell swings, 30 Walking Lunge, 30 Knees to elbows, 30 Push press, 30 Back extensions, 30 Wall ball, 30 Burpees
Strength: Cluster training. OMEM Deadlift 10x3 @ 55kgs.
WOD (open workout 5): 7min AMRAP - 3-6-9-12.....etc.
Push press @ 30kgs (started with 30, but had to scale down to 27.5kgs) & chest to bar pull ups. Result total: 23reps (considered really good in our region!!!!)
Physio & rest day.
Olympic Weightlifting:
Power Snatch technique work (10-20kgs)
Drop Squats (behind the neck push press) @ 20kgs
Back Squat 5x5 (20kgs, 30kgs, 40kgs, 45kgs, 50kgs).
Week 5: Nov 12 - 18
Strength: 1RM shoulder press. Not a new PB, but still the same result: 27.5kgs
WOD "Candice", 18min AMRAP: 11 power snatch (10kg) & 11 Overhead Squat & 11 lateral burpees. Result: 5R
Revisiting General Crossfit Skills
WOD (2011 Open WOD #2): 9 Deadlift @ 45kgs & 12 Push ups & 15 Box Jumps @ 20inchs. Result: 5R + 3 DL
Olympic Weightlifting: technique work on the Snatch and Clean & Back Squat.
Skill: Handstand push ups.
WOD: Max reps in 5min jump rope, 4min front squat (17.5kgs), 3min push ups, 2min bar hop, 1min KB swings (15kg). 30 sec rest between each set. Result: 260 - 14 - 42 - 38 - 24
General Crossfit Strength assessmet: 3x5 wall ball @ 6kgs [height and distance issue]. 15 Push Press unbroken @ 15 kgs [easy]. 25kgs Push Press [only got 6 reps unbroken]. 15 Thursters @ 15kgs [challenge].
WOD (2011 Open WOD #3- but had to scale OH squats). 10 min AMRAP: 60 Burpee bar jump (the only thing you actually needed to finish in the time cap to qualify) & 30 overhead squat (with 20kgs scaled from the original 40kgs), & 10 Muscle-Ups. Result: I did 60 Burpees within 7 minutes, and took me about 3 minutes to finish 5 overhead squats. So my total was 65.
Olympic Weight Lifting: Big day for me! I got PB's twice. The Snatch: 25kgs, video HERE and the Power Clean: 40kgs, video HERE.
Back squat with 30x5, 35x5, 40x2 45x2, 50x2
I went to an Olympic Weightlifting Clinic and blogged about it HERE.
Week 4: Nov 5- 11
Strength: Push Press 5RM. New PB! Result: 32.5
WOD: "Helen" Scaled: 3RFT of 400M run + 21 Pushups + 12 pullups (banded). Result: 12:59.
Skill: Handstands. Result: did 1 FREE handstand ;)!
WOD: Death by Clean and Jerk. i.e. Minute 1: 1 Rep. Minute 2: 2 reps...etc, until failure. Result: 7R + 2 reps @ 17.5kgs
Skill: TABATA active hang (pull up position 20sec on 10 sec rest for 4 minutes).
Skill: 5x5 Ring dips (banded)
WOD: 4RFT: 30 skips + Overhead lunges @5kgs + 10 ring rows. Result: 8:42
Strength: 4 Deadlifts OMEM @ 60 kgs for 8 minutes. Result: 7 sets + 1 rep.
Skill: Maximum in 10 minutes of Turkish Get-up @ 4kgs.
WOD: 3RFT of 10 wallballs @ 4kgs 9ft target + 10 sit ups with 4kgs + 200m row. Result: 9:13
Wednesday-Friday: Active Rest & Mobility.
Week 3: Oct 29 - Nov 4
This week has been quite tough, with a few ups and quite a few downs.
Strength: 1RM squat (new Personal Best of 65kgs!) Video available in my youtube channel
Team WOD: 400m row - 110 skips - 35kb swings - 110 skips - 35 crunchs - 110 skips (once the first person finishes the first exercise, the second one then starts). Result: 10:16minutes.
Strength: Cluster training, shoulder press @ 22.5kgsx3 OMEM for 8 minutes.
Skill: Ring dips with red band (one of the thinest bands, so I am improving!)
WOD: AMRAP in 6 minutes of 10 med ball cleans @ 6kgs, and 5 pull ups. Result: 4R + 1 pull up. (needs improvement)
Monday (light day):
Skills: Handstands - double-unders - and 5x5 pull ups with 2 minutes rest.
Pull-up results: 5-5-4-4-5 reps.
Tabata: Squat (20sec hold, 10 sec rest).
Tuesday: Strength: 1RM Split Jerk. Result: Got 35kgs overhead! Woot Woot.
WOD: 15 minutes AMRAP: Ascending ladder of:
2 burpee into pull up, 2kb swings (12kgs)
4 burpee into pull up, 4kb swings...etc. Result: 16R and 2 burpee into pull ups.
Strength: 3x3 Deadlift (aim was 87.5kgs). Result: couldn't finish the lift @ 85kgs (although I have a record of 85x3). We lowered the weight to 82.5kgs and got 2 reps.
High Volume at @ 75kgs: Was a heavy gravity day, again got 2-2 only. Taxed out my muscles.
Skill: kipping practise (nailed it! w/thinest band)
WOD: 9RFT (but with 12 minutes cap): 5 power cleans @ 25kgs, 5 front squats @ 25kgs, 7 push ups. Result: 6R + 5 power cleans
Week 2: October 22-28
Friday was my that meant, a birthday WOD carried on Saturday.
Strength: 1RM Deadlift (failed, ate too much cake the day before & didn't sleep well! It happens!)
B-Day WOD: 22-21-10 for time of BodyWeight Deadlifts (50kgs), Pull ups (banded), and 24inch box jumps. Result: 12:59
Strength: Cluster training, squats @ 52.5kgsx3 OMEM for 7 mintues.
Skill: Handstand progression and banded handstand pushups.
WOD: 2R of 10/20-8/16-6/4-2/4
SDHP @ 15kgs KB & Knee to Elbows & Skips. Result: 3:47 & 3:51.
SDHP @ 15kgs KB & Knee to Elbows & Skips. Result: 3:47 & 3:51.
To explain the workout.....(this kinda like set 1 in the first round)
10 reps of Sumo-Deadlift High Pull @ 15 kgs KB
10 reps of Knee to Elbows
10 reps of Knee to Elbows
20 skips
Then set 2....
8 reps of SDHP
8 reps of K2E
16 skips...keep going that way, with no rest!
Did all of my mobility work.
Skill: Ring dips banded 5x5
Skill: Double-unders (managed to get a few!)
WOD: 5RFT of 5 heavy squats & max push ups. Result: Squatted with 27.5kgs & max push ups (15-9-6-6-6) in 4:13m
Strength: Cluster training - shoulder press @21 kgsx3 OMEM for 8 minutes
Skill: Kipping position & bar push aways.
WOD: 6 minutes AMRAP of 5 Sumo-Deadlift High Pull with 25kgs barbell & 5 24 inch box jumps. Result: 6R + 4 box jumps.
Mobility work
Mobility work.
Week 1: October 15-21
Skill: Ring-push ups x 3 sets. Result: 13/11/10 repetitions
WOD: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible). 8 facing bar hops, 10 cleans x 15 kgs, 30 skips. Result: 9 rounds + 8 jumps + 10 cleans.
Strength: Squats 50kgsx4 OMEM (on the minute every minute) for 8 minutes - i.e. cluster training.
Skill: Handstand progressions (nailed it!)
WOD: 21-15-9 (MedBall Clean @ 6kgs) :: 300m - 200m - 100m (Rowing). Alternating between medball clean (21 reps + 300m row...etc,). Result: 6:30
Monday (light day):
Skill: Snatch w/the bar & handstands.
Skill: 5x5 banded ring dips.
Strength: Deadlift 3RM. Result: 85kgs
WOD: 10 minutes AMRAP - 8 squat clean and 8 handstand pushups. Score: 4 Rounds.
Strength: Shoulder press @ 20kgs (3 reps on the minute every minute for 8 minutes).
WOD: "Luke" a birthday WOD! 3RFT (rounds for time) - 81 squats + 10 pushups + 19 pullups (jumping for me). Result: 10:19
Thursday: Rest Day
Friday: Mixed Martial Arts.
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