Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I once feared squatting...

Something that many do not know about me is my fear of squatting. Given I am a person who lift weights, and believe in compound movements, squatting is a no brainer.

You thought wrong.

Since I started training in 2007 up until April 2011, I never A) properly back squatted, B) ditched squatting for more than a year.

Why? The idea of having weight on my back and going deep enough scared me. I never had someone to spot me, didn't trust anyone to do it, and most of all feared being stuck in the bottom position with no idea how to bail out.

I occasionally, well less often than not, "attempted to squat", by doing half squats. I told myself doing those would workout my quads... who cared about my hamstrings and glut muscles, my deadlift will take care of that!

Wrong, again. Realizing I was not going to get away with half squatting. I decided you know what? The hell with squatting, it was not for me, I HATED it.

But in April 2011, things changed. One day I walked into something called a "box"  (i.e., where all I saw was barbells, plates...and a number of squat racks. The first thing my current coach, Candice Howe, asked me to do back then was... show her my squat. I did. It was any coaches' nightmare! I did not know how to SQUAT!...and by that time my half squats where at 50kgs.

50kgs, my a$$!

Since that day, she and I have worked hard to "re-program" my squats. We started with body weighted squats (trust me, they ain't easy still!), box squats, with 10kgs, 15kgs...etc, until we reached a bodyweight squat with 50kgs with depth just a couple of months ago.

However, this past weekend, all the hard work paid off....

Seven months later since April this year.... I still fear squatting, but I still squatted 65kgs. So now I will leave you to enjoy watching the video.


See how I got stuck coming up? Instead of calling for help...I fought to get it. That's progress. 

Yours truly,
Gym Freak @999fitness


Paul Hymers - Fitness in Dubai said...

Well done! Keep at it!

Unknown said...

There's this program called the Stronglifts 5X5. you might want to check it out. Or may be you already have. And its focused almost very heavily around squatting. When I started at 20kgs. When I left almost a month later, I could do 45Kgs. And Its my most fun exercise.

Amna Al Haddad said...

@Luda yes I know the 5x5 program and I used to do it myself. But the problem was going deep enough. Do you squat below parallel? Otherwise the squats are questionable! I used to do 50kgs squats, but not ATG (ass to grass) squats, so I did not count these since I resetted my squats. It's very important your squatting form is correct!

Unknown said...

Yes, I did go ATG. And its really empowering once you pull it off.
Saw the video, props to you :D.

InshALLAH I plan to get back onto it in the following week, was on vacations and crazy office timings.

Plus i read your post on working and working out, thank you :)