Want to know who are the fittest people in the world? Follow the CrossFit Games which have kicked off on the weekend!
What are the CrossFit Games Open?
It's a five week long worldwide competition which includes anything from olympic weightifting, to gymnastics, to kettlebell training and a variety of skills. Each week, one workout is announced (5 am UAE time), which none of the athlete know about ahead of time, and have only 4 days to complete it. Scores are uploaded online and validated by either an affiliate or Crossfit HQ. Through the open, the top 60 women, top 60 men, and 30 teams with the highest score in their REGION, will move to stage two, the regionals. Currently over 60,000 people are competing in the open!
The Workout 12.1:
My Experience and Workout Score:
When I found out the workout, I was relieved at first - it's something ANYONE can do. A 13 year old or a 70 year old (and yes, a woman got 71 reps, too!) But...it's a workout that is challenging for me because one of my weaknesses is my capacity.
Surprisingly I did a lot better than I thought I could. Given I had four days to finish the workout, it meant I can do it as many times as I wished to do so. I did the workout from hell, twice.
My first score: 77 burpees in 7 minutes
My second score: 82 burpees in 7 minutes
The Goal, Regional, and International score:
My goal is simple -do the best I can for ME and hope to make top 60 to make it to regionals this year.
Regional Score: My score was changing on the leaderboard during the 4-day period as more people uploaded their scores. At fist, I was in the top 20's, down to 30s, 40s, 50s and my final score after closing of the week one is...81 out of 146 women in Asia.
International Score: Not only do I have a regional score, I have an international score as well which is currently 10764 out of 19789 women worldwide
After the end of week 5, the sum of all five workout scores will determine whether an athlete will move on to the next stage or not. So a score in one workout that is below the 60 mark is not necessairly a disqualification of any sort.
Final Words:
Whether I make it to regionals or not this year, nothing beats the experience of taking part of a big international competition. Not only that I will still have a final score that determines where I stand in terms of my fitness regionally and internationally.
For the next 5 weeks, I will write a blogpost to document the journey each Monday. Also you can follow my progress through my athlete profile HERE.
Yours Truly,
What are the CrossFit Games Open?
It's a five week long worldwide competition which includes anything from olympic weightifting, to gymnastics, to kettlebell training and a variety of skills. Each week, one workout is announced (5 am UAE time), which none of the athlete know about ahead of time, and have only 4 days to complete it. Scores are uploaded online and validated by either an affiliate or Crossfit HQ. Through the open, the top 60 women, top 60 men, and 30 teams with the highest score in their REGION, will move to stage two, the regionals. Currently over 60,000 people are competing in the open!
The Workout 12.1:
It was as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of...BURPEES!
Athletes had to touch their chest to the ground
and then jump 6 inches above their reach.
and then jump 6 inches above their reach.
My Experience and Workout Score:
When I found out the workout, I was relieved at first - it's something ANYONE can do. A 13 year old or a 70 year old (and yes, a woman got 71 reps, too!) But...it's a workout that is challenging for me because one of my weaknesses is my capacity.
Surprisingly I did a lot better than I thought I could. Given I had four days to finish the workout, it meant I can do it as many times as I wished to do so. I did the workout from hell, twice.
My first score: 77 burpees in 7 minutes
My second score: 82 burpees in 7 minutes
The Goal, Regional, and International score:
My goal is simple -do the best I can for ME and hope to make top 60 to make it to regionals this year.
Regional Score: My score was changing on the leaderboard during the 4-day period as more people uploaded their scores. At fist, I was in the top 20's, down to 30s, 40s, 50s and my final score after closing of the week one is...81 out of 146 women in Asia.
International Score: Not only do I have a regional score, I have an international score as well which is currently 10764 out of 19789 women worldwide
After the end of week 5, the sum of all five workout scores will determine whether an athlete will move on to the next stage or not. So a score in one workout that is below the 60 mark is not necessairly a disqualification of any sort.
Final Words:
Whether I make it to regionals or not this year, nothing beats the experience of taking part of a big international competition. Not only that I will still have a final score that determines where I stand in terms of my fitness regionally and internationally.
For the next 5 weeks, I will write a blogpost to document the journey each Monday. Also you can follow my progress through my athlete profile HERE.
Yours Truly,